Monday, December 19, 2011


(The complete movie: Tal Chapar: The Indian Savannah. Please remember to comment on how you find this documentary film)

The Tal Chappar Wildlife Sanctuary is located in Rajasthan, India, and is one of the last refuges of the most graceful antelope in the world: the Black buck. Once critically endangered, so much so that it was on the verge of its very extinction, this beautiful animal, native to the Indian subcontinent, was brought back from the jaws of extinction thanks to the tireless efforts of the Bishnois of Rajasthan. The Black buck today is a living testimony to a conservation success story. A few of us might have heard of this magnificent animal, but witnessing its spleandour in the Indian Savanna- the grasslands of the Tal Chapar, is a divine experience.

We had been working on this documentary since the past many months, and finally, have come up with an epic saga of the Indian grasslands. You would be delighted with jaw dropping action sequences of blackbucks jumping several feet high up in the air, leaping across the fresh green grass. We would slow down the action and show you the details, as you've never seen them before. After all, the black buck is one of the fastest land animals!
Then, peep into a herd of these antelopes and learn about their social organisation and behavior. Witness the glory of the enchanting spiral horns of the male blackbucks, which have a major role to play during courtship display, also shown in the movie. Again, you must appreciate the amazing territorial behaviour of the males, and as the documentary shows, how they have fixed sites for defecation! With the sun just about to set, join the little bucks in their evening party.

And watch out as a beautiful female buck up close as she comes right near the camera to literally lick the viewers! Don't miss the migratory birds of these grasslands- particularly the Harriers- the raptor birds. Look at the mesmerizing colors of the Indian Roller, Black Drongo and the Little Bee eater. Witness the rare sight of three different bird species in a single frame proximity. And finally, prepare to enter the dark, hidden underground world as we enter the deep mysterious burrow of a desert fox.

Tal Chappar: The Indian Savannah is an epic film you'll remember for a long time. The climax would carry you away right into these heavenly grasslands, and awaken you, dear reader, a lot more. So be a part of this adventure and join the beautiful black bucks as they narrate their unsung story--of the Indian Savanna- of the Tal Chhapar.

Though I highly recommend watching the whole movie in continuity since none of the shots is worth missing, if you are short of time or only wish to look at the specific information, you may follow he following time keys [please note that the clicking on the keys would take you to my YouTube Channel in a new window. To go the movie portion specified, look at the corresponding time key (e.g.: 0:00 for Introduction) and move the circular play pointer on video above to that location in time]-

0:00 - Introduction

1:05 - How to reach the Tal Chhappar sanctuary

1:37 -Geographical location and the Thar desert, xerophytic vegetation and the Camel

2:11 - Entry into the Tal Chhapar Sanctuary, overview of the vast grass lands of large herds of blackbucks and their social structure

3:24 -Beautiful spiral horns of the male black bucks and their body structure and behavior

4:10 -Different species of grasses in the sanctuary and the special sweet Mothiya grass and its seeds which the bucks and birds eat

4:45-The Migratory birds, especially the Harriers. The action packed flight of the Eurasian Marsh Harrier would leave you mesmerized

5:19- The territorial behavior of the male black bucks and maintenance of dung pile sites

6:01 -The well camouflaged bucks; the grass used to protect them from their now extinct natural predator, the Asiatic Cheetah.

6:21- The playful little blackbucks showing their jumping skills. Do not miss the action packed sequence!

7:02- Beautiful female black buck named Meneka approaches us for lovely close up shots, almost licking the camera! The camera angle (at 7:22) makes you feel as though she literally licks the viewer! Also seen is the keen sense of smell of the bucks.

7:32- Sexual behavior, courtship displays of males and mating instincts

7:54- The blackbuck territories and territory selection, topographic factors of such selection

8:23- Male practicing fighting by swaying horns. This is how the deadly furious fighting battles take place.

8:45- Majestic walk of a young male with curl in its tail.

9:02- Fasten your seat belts! The main action and the drama begin now. A rarely seen complete action sequence of the high leap of a buck in the air. It is critically analyzed again in slow motion for better insight. These jumps make the black bucks one of the fastest land animals.

9:52- Witness the grandeur of the golden fur of the bucks when it glazes in sunshine. An extremely beautiful sight.

10:08-The grasshoppers. The little almost overlooked insects of the grasslands which play a very vital role in the ecosystem.

10:55-Another heavenly sight. Watch the Indian Roller, Black Drongo and the Little Bee Eater, and a rare scene when they sit in a close proximity in a single frame (at 11:26)

11:42- The weed Prosopis Juliflora, which had once taken hold of the grasslands, disturbing the ecosystem.

12:01- The Blue bull (Nilgai), the biggest Asian antelope.

12:26- Now, enter a desert fox's burrow, a complex network of deep underground caves. Know about the secretive, dark, unknown world. Let the music and the shots take hold of you, but not for very long!

13:04- Let the grasslands reveal their rich colors to you in the soft morning light.

13:14- The climax- beautiful not to be missed overlapping shots (begin at 13:24) of the angelic blackbucks, testimonials to their conservation story, and the role of the Bishnoi tribe and local communities in conservation. You will be left wondering and a lot more awakened by this though provoking climax.

14:04- Credits and thanks

(Note: If you would like to obtain the unwatermarked movie in Full High Definition (HD), 1920x1080 resolution, 25fps format, please contact me at: or call me at 91-9649694505)
And, do like the video (on YouTube) and COMMENT! Your views on the documentary, dear reader, are of utmost importance!
Have a great time watching!
Devaang Jain

Saturday, December 10, 2011


Photograph: A spotted owl looking intently at me.  Many animals we search for may go unnoticed in the thicknes of the forest, but we never remain unnoticed by any of our animal hosts in the jungle.  
Photographed near Khajuraho, Madhya Pradesh.

When I was very small and visited some tiger reserve, I would hear my parents say, "There see, that's an Indian Roller perched upon that log!" , "See that beautiful baby monkey in its mother's arms!", "Oh! A wonderful herd of Cheetal there!". But I would not be much fascinated. What my eyes really searched for was the supreme lord of the jungle- the apex predator- the paramount power- the Tiger. And on many visits the Tiger would not reveal itself to us, making the whole safari of little worth to me.

As I grew up and learnt more about the jungle- the ecosystems and the inter-relationships between the animals, I realised no animal is complete in itself. It heavily depends on many other plant and animal species. It was then that I started appreciating the sights of the other most wonderful denizens of the Indian forest: the Macaques, the Cheetals, the beautiful birds, the Monitor lizards. Every organism you see when you enter the jungle has been carefully engineered by God and assigned an irreplaceble place in the food web. 

The Tiger, of course, remains an enchanting sight, but it is rare to experience this majestic phenomenon in its full splendour, in its full glory. I once saw a board in the Bandhavgarh Tiger reserve which portrayed a tiger saying: "Don't be dissapointed if you couldn't see me, I saw you!". So the next time, dear wildlife lover, you visit a reserve, be watchful of the many splendid designs of nature scattered all around you. And who knows, the Panthera tigris tigris might be considerate enough to give you a glimpse of a lifetime!

Devaang Jain

Friday, August 19, 2011

Celebrating photography.....

THE GREAT INDIAN MIGRATION: A Celebration of photography

We all have seen glimpses of the great African migration, with huge herds of Wildebeest crossing the Mara river brimming with hungry crocodiles. Well, the spectacular African scene might make you miss a beat, but the photograph above shows its counterpart, which I call "The Great Indian Migration".

Taken in the Himalayas, we saw this herd of cows returning home from their grazing grounds on the other side of a furious Baspa river. The entire herd crossed the river on a fragile wooden plank resting on two wooden logs. Imagine the weight of 7 cows on such a bridge crossing the river all at the same time. Just a slight vibration in the wrong direction, and you could tell when the crude bridge would fall apart.

One can't expect modern bridges at 10,000 feet, you see. Isn't this migration similar to the African counterpart then? The difference, if any, is that the hungry crocs are played by the furious Baspa, ready to gulp any unfortunate cow.

On another note, this photograph depicts the magic of photography: the extraordinary capability to capture a moment and freeze it for eternity. On this World Photography Day, let me thank my dearest passion, for adding a multitude of colours to my life. How do you plan to celebrate this occasion? Do comment!


Saturday, July 16, 2011



A common household lizard, Gecko. These species have been around for millions of years, and have had golden pasts. These highly adaptable species are found almost everywhere on earth where humans are found, a testimony to their golden lives.

Behind creepy corners, neglected turn arounds, and hidden crevices lie many creatures waiting to be discovered. You'll find them, such as these lizards above, in places you'll least expect. You just need to be more vigilant, and more importantly, willing to shed off your laziness to grab your camera; and then magically, you'll get a perfect shot, one you'll cherish throughout your life.
(Be sure to check out my latest photographs on the official homepage of the honorable Ministry of Environment and Forests:
Devaang Jain

So, what all subjects did you find in your household? Be sure to comment.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


The Final Destination
Location: near Kunzum Pass, Himachal Pradesh
Description: A Buddhist Stupa near the Kunzum pass. The road to this pass offers   breathtaking views of the Himalayas, and some magnificent Stupas like this, which transport one to the abode of the Almighty, our final destination.

So, after hours of careful selection and multiple rounds of filtering, I have finally been successful in selecting the best out of the shots I clicked in the Incredible India state Himachal Pradesh-- indeed unforgettable. I have sorted them out in two pages in the tab above: 'THE HIMALAYAN LANDSCAPE' and 'HIMALAYAN WILDLIFE'. Do join this unforgettable tour to the Himalayas, and you'll see a secret world, never seen before.
Happy journey!

Devaang Jain

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


ON NATURE'S VELVETY BED: A Ladybird insect resting on soft, fresh, velvety red rose petals. Location: Shoghi forests, Himachal Pradesh.

Yes, Himachal Pradesh is indeed unforgettable. I had been on a vacation to this wonderland since the last 20 days, and believe me I got to see a place like no else. Himachal is a heaven for a nature lover, really.

Look at the opening photograph, and you'll know everything. And on this page you get a golden opportunity-- seeing Himachal sitting right in the comfort of your home. So get ready for a photographic series of the breathtaking Himalayas, as you have never seen them before.

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Photograph: A baby Macaque holds tightly onto his mother as the mother keeps an eye over any danger or potential harm to her child.
Location: Bhangarh, near Alwar, Rajasthan, India.

The ancient Indian scriptures say that there is nothing in this world that is real; that which is only real is the Lord Himself, and He is present on this earth in the form of the Mother.
Just think over everything your mother has done for you: she's helped you in standing on your own feet when you were so vulnerable and fragile; she taught you how this world functions, how knowledge is attained, that your fears are unfounded-----the list is endless. In a nutshell, she taught you how to exist.

Its not just a single day of the year when we Google "Mother's Day" and read the Wikipedia over the origins of this day and that how it is celebrated in different parts of the world. In fact, each and every day of our lives is Mother's day-- would we have existed without our mothers? If you do not get the point, look deeper into nature.

Mother Nature has given birth to all flora, fauna and the human species. We all are Her children, aren't we? And see how she showers her love and warmth on all the inhabitants of this earth-- on all her children. Mankind has in fact, being playing in the lap of Mother Nature since its beginning.

In the animal kingdom, motherly love abounds; and you may have seen mother birds feeding small insects to the blind baby birds; then the mothers teaching the baby birds the technique of flying; the mother bears protecting the baby bears, the tiger moms lovingly playing with their cubs, and baby monkeys holding onto their mothers on highest of the tree branches. 

Look at the opening photograph of the baby Macaque with her mother. Look deeper into the baby's eyes. What do you see? You see curiosity and fear; anxiety and worry. See how tightly the baby is clinging to his mother. No glue can ensure a stronger hold! Now look at his mother, you see fearlessness and her alertness over what's happening around her in the interest of the safety of her children. And you would be able to literally feel the love for her child radiating from her soul.

Though we can never repay back our mothers for everything that they have done, we must learn from the animals how love is reciprocated and mothers respected and loved, even as the child grows with time. Animals are known to recognize their parents even when they have left the safety of their homes. I always think  we can learn everything, even the subtlest of the behaviors and emotions from animals. If they can love and respect, if they can rejoice and lovingly embrace their mothers and children, even we humans can.

So, dear reader, let us celebrate this wonderful day, in fact each single day loving our mothers and caring for them.....HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!!!
(Would you like to add something to the discussion? Comments are always welcome!)
Devaang Jain

Friday, April 22, 2011


 (Thirsty honey bees drinking water on a hot summer day in Rajasthan, India)

Yes, its that day of the year again, the twenty second day of April, celebrated the world over as "Earth Day" since 1970. On this day, we remind ourselves that the very entity on which we humans have been standing since times immemorial, is not a lifeless gigantic piece of rock. Its that Earth, of motherly nature, to whom we attribute all our progress, be it in the fields of science and technology, arts, commerce, industries and what not. Still, this day remains an ordinary day for most people, just one not so extraordinary day in 365 not so extraordinary days.

If you have looked carefully enough on the opening photograph, you know what the Earth day really means. The bees on a warm summer day, when the temperature had soared to nearly 49 degree Centigrade here on the burning desert soil of Rajasthan, had gathered hopefully around a leaking water tap to quench their thirst. Every once in a while, a pearl dripped down on the ground and the bees danced with joy. Can you not compare this with the joy you feel after drinking a glass of fresh, cold water after a tiring day?
Our resources are rapidly diminishing, the precious water is close to its "extinction", our wildlife is being poached and the oxygen giving trees being ruthlessly cut.
But it is not that we can't do anything about the situation. Small steps, little considerations like the ones below can make a huge difference:

1. Do not leave the tap open while brushing....and what does it really take? Just close the tap when not using, you can always open it again anyway!

2. Wash your car not with running water from a hose, but use buckets and a mug to save water.

3. Use refrigerators, washing machines, dishwashers, etc on "Eco" or water saving mode. It does not compromise quality and yet helps save a lot of water on unimportant operations.

4. Look around for leaking taps or taps that have been carelessly left open. If you see leaking taps in your institute, office, canteen, washroom, etc, inform the authorities. 

5. While buying electrical appliances, always check for the energy label, which categories devices based on the energy they consume. For example, here in India a 5 star rating system is used. Look for "BEE STAR LABEL" (Bureau of Energy Efficiency, India) and the number of stars. The more the stars, greater the energy saved and lesser the pollution caused in electricity production.

6. Use CFLs instead of normal incandescent (tungsten based) bulbs. They greatly reduce global Carbon Dioxide emission levels.

7. When you visit National Parks and wildlife sanctuaries, do not litter the places, nor disturb the animals. Never play loud music in the vehicle while on a safari or in your forest rest house. Remember, the forest is their home, not ours.

8. Discourage the use of plastic bags. Use paper and cardboard based bags instead. they are sturdy and rigid, and also biodegradable. If you really have to use a polythene/plastic bag, use one made of thicker plastic (greater pore diameters) and do not throw it away after use. 

9. Finally, Say no to Crackers. Crackers are certainly not a great way to celebrate at the expense of the environment. Celebrate instead by having a family and friends get-together.

I am sure there are a number of other easy steps we can all undertake to make a change. So why not leave your comments here about your own suggestions and tips?

Remember, each individual step you take, however small, counts......

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Hey friends!
Just created  a NEW PAGE to showcase the Architectural wonders of my Pink City. Be sure to check out the exclusive photographs from unusual angles and viewpoints, and to see the monuments as you have never seen them before!

This page, propagates my appeal to all viewers to help conserve our cultural heritage- our monuments, of which we are all proud of. So lets not litter the monuments with wrappers when we visit them, and stand up against those who spit on the walls or consider the ancient walls as their canvas.

We might be of any country, and a consider ourselves a part of any culture, but it is our very moral duty to preserve our traditions and our monuments for generations to come.

Finally, do drop your comments and feedback! They act as a source of encouragement for every artist, and I am no exception.


Regards and cheers!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Welcome dear visitor!

I am Devaang, an engineering student,very passionate about wildlife and photography. On this blog, you would find all of my selected photographs, as a means not only to showcase my work but more importantly to pay my little bit to mother Nature and spread the word for her conservation. So, none of the photographs taken here caused any damages to the organisms shown/ their habitat in any manner whatsoever.

To quickly see what all I have captured through my lens, browse through the photographs in the tabs above, which have been organized by the species/ groups I have photographed. And do not hesitate to drop any comments--they really encourage me a lot in my quest!

Note: All of the photographs have been uploaded directly out of the camera without editing of any sort, except where it is explicitly mentioned.